our featured street view projects

we can capture Street View for bicycle pathson hiking trailsin parkson pedestrian streetson historical landmarks
After acquiring a specially converted recumbent tricycle (made by Dekers - Poland), we successfully applied street view mapping in difficult terrains, digitalizing the Via Transilvanica for a length of 884 km and the Via Mariae for a length of 249 km.

we can capture Street Viewon roadsin citiesin rural areasin forgotten lands
our featured virtual tour projects
we make Virtual Tours foraccommodationsrestaurantsshopstourist spotsresorts
We primarily create virtual tours for accommodations, but any other place can be showcased in this way. The virtual tour of the Casa Mora in Deva was created from 22 of high resolution (98 megapixels), HDR panoramic photos.
we can make Virtual Tours forhospitalsmuseumschurchestheme parksreal estate
Our largest virtual tour to date is of the children's hospital built by the Dăruiește Viața Foundation, which contains a total of 498 panoramic photos. This hospital is one of the most modern hospitals in Romania and was built entirely from donations.
street view statistics
virtual tour statistics
*all statistics reflect the status as of December 1, 2024.
contact us
PanoVisual Srl.
str. Bajeni nr. 25
535400, Cristuru Secuiesc
jud. Harghita / Romania
e-mail: info@panovisual.ro
tel: +40 744 333 404
CUI: 41263730 / nr. inmatriculare: J19/511/2019
EUID: ROONRC.J19/511/2019